Thursday, January 29, 2009

The Romantic Piano Concerto · Vol. 10 · Weber

The Romantic Piano Concerto · Vol. 10 · Weber
FLAC | Booklet | 260 MB | 1995

Nikolai Demidenko (piano), Scottish Chamber Orchestra, Sir Charles Mackerras (conductor)

'Superlative performances' (The Scotsman)

'Brilliant performances' (Classic CD)

'Scintillating performances' (Piano International)

'Unmitigated joy ... I haven't enjoyed a concerto record more all year' (The Sunday Times)

'Makellose Technik und musikalischen Verstand - eine Kombination, die man bei Pianisten heutzutage immer seltener antrifft. Und ganz nebenbei versprühen die Aufnahmen so viel Vitalität. Frische und erlichen Enthusiasmus, dass sie neben dem Interesse und der Neugierde auch die Stimmung des Hörers zu beflügeln verstehen' (Fono-Forum, Germany)

'Demidenko is in his element with such music. His control of contrasting dynamics is astonishing, and the clarity of his passagework is unfaltering. Not the least exciting feature of these superb performances is the marvellously appropriate cadenza which Demidenko improvises for the first movement of the E flat Concerto. The recording is magnificent. Don't miss this one!' (Musical Opinion)

Piano Concerto No 1 in C major, J98 Op 11
Piano Concerto No 2 in E flat, J155 Op 32
Konzertstück in F minor, J282 Op 79