Wednesday, February 4, 2009

The Romantic Piano Concerto · Vol. 15 · Hahn & Massenet

The Romantic Piano Concerto · Vol. 15 · Hahn & Massenet
FLAC | 260 MB | Booklet | 1997

Stephen Coombs (piano), BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra, Jean-Yves Ossonce (conductor)

'Heavenly Hahn in this latest addition to this treasure of a series' (Classic CD)

'If you'd sooner have fraises des bois and crème Chantilly rather than foie gras and trumpets, this is for you' (Gramophone)

'Hyperion is to be congratulated for adding this work to its growing series of Hahn compositions ... high spirits and joy aplenty ... Another Romantic Piano Concerto winner from Hyperion; heartily recommended' (Fanfare, USA)

'A thoroughly delightful piece [Hahn], well worth reviving, here perfectly coupled. A delight [Massenet].' (The Penguin Guide to Compact Discs)

'A thoroughly delightful disc' (Piano International)

Piano Concerto in E flat major Jules Massenet (1842-1912)
Piano Concerto in E major Reynaldo Hahn (1874-1947)